I need YOUR help! :)
My Kickstarter campaign for my oracle deck ends in 11 days. I need pre-orders to be able to self publish! The funding campaign ends on September 30th. I have put my heart and soul into this project for 5 years. I hand painted 46 images for the cards and I wrote a 110 page guidebook.
My oracle deck guidebook has messages that are very much like the posts I send out on my Sapphire's Moonbeams page. I send out messages to help keep love, hope, faith and dreams alive.
Any amount helps! When you visit http://kck.st/2xpCORQ you can donate a small amount without a reward. There are various levels of donation, most have rewards. You can just pre-order the deck for $35, that price includes shipping.
At other levels you can pre-order the deck and get an 8x10 rainbow Moonbeams print. A higher donation will get you a limited edition blanket with my rainbow Moonbeams painting on it as well as an oracle deck. At even higher levels of donation you can buy an original painting used for one of the cards in the deck. And the highest level will get you an original intuitive energy painting that I create just for you!
I have figured out to self publish on my own. I need help from you to make my dream come true! Visit Kickstarter.com and search for the word Moonbeam Magick Oracle Card Deck or search for my name, Sapphire Moonbeam.
Thank you for your help!
Sapphire Moonbeam